Curious for the low offers, I checked the available opp out. The task is very easy. All you need to do is register with the sponsor's site (a source of free pictures), link it and hotlink a photo. You're not even required to write a post. What could I buy with fifty cents? One bottle of beer! Since the task's very easy, I took it.
But, I'm already worried and alarmed with the trends.
First, the opportunities are scarce. In the last three months of 2007 (I started with PPP on September 2007), I averaged 15 opps a month. In 2008, I just averaged two opps a month. And, this new year, there are offers that are too low.
One issue is that your blog is on's server. Most advertisers prefer to have their posts on independent sites. I have the same issue with my blog being hosted on's site which is why I don't bother with pay-to-blog sites. If you want to make good money, I suggest you host your sites on your own domain.
I'm planning on having my own domain blog but can't act on it at the moment.
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