Sunday, August 22, 2021

Happy MECQ Sunday!

It's another Sunday, which is the 4th in August!

Effective yesterday, the quarantine status in Metro Manila, as well as in other areas, has been deescalated from the 2-week ECQ down to MECQ until the end of the month.

It's now less strict as, for one, outdoor exercises are allowed from 6:00 am to 9:00 am but within the general area of residence only.  Thus, I have my bike prepared even for a shorter but daily ride.

I thought liquor ban would be lifted in Quezon City, but I was wrong.  But, that's just fine with me, as I still have some stocks to drink moderately alone inside the safety of our home.

Also, there's a wedding in Nasugbu, Batangas that we should attend next Sunday, where my wife and I are among the godparents.  The reception is in a hotel in Tagaytay City, where the MECQ has been declared till end of the month too.  However, with the ongoing and unrelenting pandemic, I already informed the couple of our inability to attend for safety reason.  We have to avoid traveling, to keep away from hassles at checkpoints, and crowded places.

Despite the more than 1 and half year of the havoc it's been wreaking, I'm still wishing that this pandemic will be over soonest.  We just need a better governance and strict discipline to attain this.

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