I woke up earlier this morning (before 4 AM); as we are going out of town. After doing some morning routines, I opened my laptop to search for my PhotoHunt subject. While searching, I looked up at mirror and saw myself with BAD HAIR.

This is my work station where I found my subject

And, this is my BAD HAIR.
Worse, it already contracted HIV (Hair Is Vanishing).
Worse, it already contracted HIV (Hair Is Vanishing).

Upcoming PhotoHunt themes:
- 114 - June 14 - emotion(s)
- 115 - June 21 - water
- 116 - June 28 - bright
- 117 - July 5 - pointed
- 118 - July 12 - support
Wahahahahaha!!!!! This photo came in handy at the right time huh! :D
Hehe... I theorize that whenever we wake up, our hair will always appear to be receding. Our proper hairline should only be judged after we are able to take a bath, put on hair gel and comb hehe
HIV!!! That's too funny! Happy hunting!
That's not too bad. Not really He he.
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