Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fine Art Storage


Some of our possessions; such as portraits, paintings, sculptures, antiques, etc.; are so precious, valuable, priceless, and irreplaceable that we want to protect them from damage – not even a small scratch or dent. We must preserve and keep them always in good order condition and safe at all costs. There are instances, however, that we need to ship, store, or display these items. To ensure that these items would remain safe and intact, we must entrust them to “someone” who is knowledgeable and experienced in handling the delicate job.

Mind’s Eye is the “someone” I am talking about for your Fine Art Storage. It offers the finest services in handling and caring for your priceless possessions that are customized according to your art, needs, and pocket. It has the know-how, talent, and experience in artfully handling and protecting your precious items and keeping them safe and intact: from crating to transporting and storing to showcasing. It has already served satisfactorily its clients, which include museums, curators, investors, and items collectors – both corporate and personal. Simply put, it is the best in the business. Its services are more comprehensive, completely customized, and always outstanding. You can be assured of the protection and safety of your precious possessions at all times. There is nobody who could do it better than Mind’s Eye.

Mind’s Eye is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the award-winning Humboldt Storage and Moving Company.

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